2016年6月6日 星期一

Jerome Bruner (1915-2016) 認知科學/學習論的先驅、大家。 Jerome Bruner Psychologist Jerome Seymour Bruner was an American psychologist who made significant contributions to human cognitive psychology and cognitive learning theory in educational psychology. Wikipedia Born: October 1, 1915, New York City, New York, United States Died: June 6, 2016 Field: Psychology Education: Harvard University (1941),Duke University (1937) Oliver Sacks Foundation The legendary Jerome Bruner, a founder of the cognitive revolution in psychology in the 1950s, died yesterday at the age of 100. In "On the Move" Dr. Sacks wrote, "Jerry has been a good friend and, at one level and another, a sort of guide and implicit mentor. There seem no limits to his curiosity and knowledge. He has one of the most spacious, thoughtful minds I have ever encountered, with a vast base of knowledge of every sort, but it is a base under continual questioning and scrutiny." Pioneering Psychologist Jerome Bruner on the Act of Discovery and the Key to True Learning “Discovery, like surprise, favors the well-prepared mind.” BRAINPICKINGS.ORG|由 MARIA POPOVA 上傳 「智能所在之處,除了在你個人所接觸的書本、辭典和各種注記之外,還在你所交往的朋友的腦袋和習慣裡,甚至也在你們認為理所當然的社會行為之中。」(Jerome Bruner 《教育的文化 》第235 頁) 這是外國人的說法,我們會用「師、友、文章、學風」來說。東海大學工學院三系,「號稱」是追求「 真(化學工程)、善(工業工程)、美(建築)」。 漢寶德先生追求他的「真與美」的遊戲去(《 真與美 》台北: 九歌出版社,2004) ,而我們是高院長和劉老師的學生,所以堅持產業的「善」之追求20餘年。 數大便是美!?康定怡 對於大小的判斷受制於價值觀研究認知發展的心理學家傑若美.布諾 (Jerome Bruner )觀察到一個富裕家庭來的孩子和一個窮困家庭的孩子看一個銅板有不同的大小認定。窮孩子傾向將銅板看得大於富家子弟對銅板的尺寸估計。同樣的二十五分錢的銅板在窮孩子的眼裡是大的,因為錢的價值是稀罕的。富家子弟看銅板為小,因為二十五分錢微不足道。所以,一個價值觀,有時甚至影響人對看似客觀的尺寸之判斷。我的推論是,一個長期在數量多的環境待久了的人,看數量少的景況,會加倍覺得少得可憐。反之,如果常處在數量少的環境,看到大的數字會覺得大得可怕。 哈佛大學出版社: Jerome Bruner is University Professor at New York University and the author of many books, including Acts of Meaning; On Knowing; The Process of Education; and Toward a Theory of Instruction (all published by Harvard). Read More by Jerome Bruner: The Culture of Education Toward a Theory of Instruction Actual Minds, Possible Worlds On Knowing: Essays for the Left Hand, Second Edition The Process of Education, Revised Edition Minding the Law The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book about a Vast Memory Constructing Panic: The Discourse of Agoraphobia Making Stories: Law, Literature, Life Acts of Meaning 翻譯太差勁/ http://hcbooks.blogspot.tw/2009/01/acts-of-meaning.html Making Stories Law, Literature, Life Jerome Bruner Stories pervade our daily lives, from human interest news items, to a business strategy described to a colleague, to daydreams between chores. Stories are what we use to make sense of the world. But how does this work? In Making Stories, the eminent psychologist Jerome Bruner examines this pervasive human habit and suggests new and deeper ways to think about how we use stories to make sense of lives and the great moral and psychological problems that animate them. Looking at legal cases and autobiography as well as literature, Bruner warns us not to be seduced by overly tidy stories and shows how doubt and double meaning can lie beneath the most seemingly simple case. 故事的形成(法律文学生活)/教育地平线丛书(教育地平线丛书) 作者:(美国)布鲁纳 译者:孙玫璐 ·出版社:教育科学出版社 ·页码:111 页 ·出版日期:2006年 内容简介 在《故事的形成》中,杰出的心理学家、教育学家杰罗姆·布鲁纳探究了这一人类本质中难于捉摸但又是基础性的一面,追问我们如何利用故事来理解我们的生活。 他提出了新的富有挑战性的方式来审视叙事:理解我们如何讲述我们的故事,发现我们如何利用叙事来创建自我感和诠释他人的生活,认识到文学如何改变了故事是 什么的观念,以及法律如何教给我们关于叙事的期待。结果是一个精湛的、令人兴奋的合成物——人类学、心理学、文学、法学以及哲学的合成物。 布 鲁纳写作他的早期著作《论认知:左手随笔》(1962)时.他相信“科学方法可以将一般叙事转化为可检验的假设”。现在,他的结论是:“我想我犯了一个深 切的错误。”在《故事的形成》中,布鲁纳贡献了一个更为复杂的观点:科学关于可证事实的严格的、定义完整的叙事,解不开地交织于文化的“朦胧模糊的富有挑 战性的”故事——自传、文学以及法律材料,这其中富含隐喻的、道德教育性的叙事教给了我们:我们是谁,我们可以成为怎样的人。 作者简介 杰罗姆·布鲁纳(JEROME BRUNER),著有多部在教育和认知研究上具有开创性重大影响的著作,包括《教育的文化》(The Culture of Education)(1996),《意义行为》(Acts of Meaning)(1990),《论认知:左手随笔》(On Knowing;Essays for the Left Hand)(1962),《教育过程》(The Process of Education)(1961)。 在他的辉煌职业生涯中,先是在哈佛担任心理学教授,然后又受聘牛津担任沃茨教授(Watts Professor),在1960年代,影响深远的认知革命永久改变了心理学者们研究精神的途径,他一直站在这一革命的最前沿。在肯尼迪和约翰逊总统在任 期间,他服务于总统科学和顾问委员会,帮助规划启动了贫穷儿童早期教育项目(Head Start)。他和妻子卡萝尔·弗莱舍·费尔德曼现居住于他的出生地纽约市,在纽约大学法学院执教。 Clifford Geertz: Available Light: Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics /After the Fact: Two Countries, Four Decades, One Anthropologist 書評 Imbalancing Act: Jerome Bruner's Cultural Psychology 187

Oliver Sacks Foundation

The legendary Jerome Bruner, a founder of the cognitive revolution in psychology in the 1950s, died yesterday at the age of 100.
In "On the Move" Dr. Sacks wrote, "Jerry has been a good friend and, at one level and another, a sort of guide and implicit mentor. There seem no limits to his curiosity and knowledge. He has one of the most spacious, thoughtful minds I have ever encountered, with a vast base of knowledge of every sort, but it is a base under continual questioning and scrutiny."

“Discovery, like surprise, favors the well-prepared mind.”

「智能所在之處,除了在你個人所接觸的書本、辭典和各種注記之外,還在你所交往的朋友的腦袋和習慣裡,甚至也在你們認為理所當然的社會行為之中。」(Jerome Bruner 教育的文化 》第235 頁

這是外國人的說法,我們會用「師、友、文章、學風」來說。東海大學工學院三系,「號稱」是追求「 真(化學工程)、善(工業工程)、美(建築)」。 漢寶德先生追求他的「真與美」的遊戲去( 真與美 》台北: 九歌出版社,2004) ,而我們是高院長和劉老師的學生,所以堅持產業的「善」之追求20餘年。

對於大小的判斷受制於價值觀研究認知發展的心理學家傑若美.布諾 (Jerome Bruner )觀察到一個富裕家庭來的孩子和一個窮困家庭的孩子看一個銅板有不同的大小認定。窮孩子傾向將銅板看得大於富家子弟對銅板的尺寸估計。同樣的二十五分錢的銅板在窮孩子的眼裡是大的,因為錢的價值是稀罕的。富家子弟看銅板為小,因為二十五分錢微不足道。所以,一個價值觀,有時甚至影響人對看似客觀的尺寸之判斷。我的推論是,一個長期在數量多的環境待久了的人,看數量少的景況,會加倍覺得少得可憐。反之,如果常處在數量少的環境,看到大的數字會覺得大得可怕。

Jerome Bruner is University Professor at New York University and the author of many books, including Acts of Meaning; On Knowing; The Process of Education; and Toward a Theory of Instruction (all published by Harvard).
Read More by Jerome Bruner:
The Culture of Education
Toward a Theory of Instruction
Actual Minds, Possible Worlds
On Knowing: Essays for the Left Hand, Second Edition
The Process of Education, Revised Edition
Minding the Law
The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book about a Vast Memory
Constructing Panic: The Discourse of Agoraphobia
Making Stories: Law, Literature, Life

Acts of Meaning 翻譯太差勁/

Making Stories

Law, Literature, Life

Jerome Bruner

作者:(美国)布鲁纳 译者:孙玫璐
·页码:111 页


在《故事的形成》中,杰出的心理学家、教育学家杰罗姆·布鲁纳探究了这一人类本质中难于捉摸但又是基础性的一面,追问我们如何利用故事来理解我们的生活。 他提出了新的富有挑战性的方式来审视叙事:理解我们如何讲述我们的故事,发现我们如何利用叙事来创建自我感和诠释他人的生活,认识到文学如何改变了故事是 什么的观念,以及法律如何教给我们关于叙事的期待。结果是一个精湛的、令人兴奋的合成物——人类学、心理学、文学、法学以及哲学的合成物。

布 鲁纳写作他的早期著作《论认知:左手随笔》(1962)时.他相信“科学方法可以将一般叙事转化为可检验的假设”。现在,他的结论是:“我想我犯了一个深 切的错误。”在《故事的形成》中,布鲁纳贡献了一个更为复杂的观点:科学关于可证事实的严格的、定义完整的叙事,解不开地交织于文化的“朦胧模糊的富有挑 战性的”故事——自传、文学以及法律材料,这其中富含隐喻的、道德教育性的叙事教给了我们:我们是谁,我们可以成为怎样的人。


杰罗姆·布鲁纳(JEROME BRUNER),著有多部在教育和认知研究上具有开创性重大影响的著作,包括《教育的文化》(The Culture of Education)(1996),《意义行为》(Acts of Meaning)(1990),《论认知:左手随笔》(On Knowing;Essays for the Left Hand)(1962),《教育过程》(The Process of Education)(1961)。

在他的辉煌职业生涯中,先是在哈佛担任心理学教授,然后又受聘牛津担任沃茨教授(Watts Professor),在1960年代,影响深远的认知革命永久改变了心理学者们研究精神的途径,他一直站在这一革命的最前沿。在肯尼迪和约翰逊总统在任 期间,他服务于总统科学和顾问委员会,帮助规划启动了贫穷儿童早期教育项目(Head Start)。他和妻子卡萝尔·弗莱舍·费尔德曼现居住于他的出生地纽约市,在纽约大学法学院执教。

Clifford Geertz:  Available Light:   Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics  /After the Fact: Two Countries, Four Decades, One Anthropologist
 Imbalancing Act: Jerome Bruner's Cultural Psychology 187

2009年2月11日 星期三

Actual Minds, Possible Worlds by Jerome Bruner

Actual Minds, Possible Worlds (The Jerusalem-Harvard Lectures)

by Jerome Bruner (Author)

Actual Minds, Possible Worlds

Jerome Bruner

Acts of Meaning
.from Intro Pages:
"Piaget is inconceivable without Kant, Vygotsky with- out Hegel and Marx, and the once towering bastion of "learn- ing theory" was constructed on foundations laid by John"

from Back Matter:
"then concludes by restor- ing the original problematic state. Closure would then be a restatement of some dynamic, perhaps spiralling cycle of trans- formation"

1.on Page 3:
"... 1 Approaching the Literary Czeslaw Milosz begins his Charles Eliot Norton Lectures, delivered at Harvard in 1981-82, with a comment that is both emblem and warning: ...

... This is not a good sign, even if it may be explained both by the brilliance of their authors and by their zeal in assimilating scientific ..."
2.on Page 23:
"... James's sense, contains gaps, or where there is a difficult distance between the two. A good case in point is Eliot's lines
I should have been a pair of ragged claws,
Scuttling across the floors of silent sea."
